On its final meeting on the 28 of May 2008 the Selection Committee, chaired by Prof. Ivaylo Znepolski and its members Prof. Ivan Elenkov, Dr. Valentina Gueorguieva and Dimiter Dimov came with the following decision:
In the category “Authentic document (diaries, unpublished memoirs, correspondence and other maniscripts), created between 1944 and 1989” the Committee awards the amount of 500 lv. and Honour Diploma to:
- Grigor Koumanov, Everyday Expenses of My Family (Pazardzhik)
In the category “Contemporary Account of the Life between 1944 and 1989” the Committee awards the amount of 500 lv. and Honour Diploma to:
- Ivan Minchev, “This is My Past”
- Georgi Bozhilov, “Cell from Concrete”
- Radka Katsarova, “Personal Story”
- Vesselina Tsankova, “Mitko’s Wars”
- Bonka Hristova, “The Arrest and Other Memoirs”
The Institute for Studies of the Recent Past appreciates greatly all contributions and thanks to all participants! A two volumes collection of all awarded materials and other interesting and valuable texts from both rounds of the competition is to be published. The needed funding is secured.