Със своите публикации и публични изяви Игнатов си е завоювал име на уважаван експерт по въпросите на руската история, политика и култура. Темата, която обединява статиите и анализите, е Русия след разпадането на Съветския съюз.
Category: Our books
The Institute has as its priority the publication of elaborate and profound research materials. A special fund is established that supports the publication of contributions dealing with various aspects of the communist past. Most of our books has been published in the “Past Continuous” Book Series in cooperation with the leading Bulgarian publishing house “Ciela”.
Criminal Offenses in Bulgaria, 1944-1989
Криминалните престъпления в Българя (1944-1989). Книгата се опитва да представи по-подробно четирите най-значими за човека видове сред тях – кражби на обществено и лично имущество, грабежи, изнасилвания и умишлени убийства.
Family Brawls: Hannah Arendt, Eric Voegelin, Raymond Aron
Ще направя опит да реконструирам развитието на отношенията между тримата през годините, разглеждайки връзките им двама по двама. Това ще помогне да уловим взаимните влияния, признатия или непризнатия отзвук от взаимно отправяните критики.
Totalitarianism: Hannah Arendt, Eric Voegelin, Raymond Aron
Author: Ivaylo Znepolski Published by: Institute for the Study of Recent Past, New Bulgarian University, and Ciela Publishing with financial support from the “America for Bulgaria” Foundation Sofia, 2023 ISBN: 978-954-28-4379-5 Поръчайте…
Memory Archipelago of the Communist Past
Public Narratives and Personal Recollections Author: Daniela Koleva Published by Palgrave Macmillan, 2022 ISBN: 978-3-031-04660-5 This book looks at the memory of the communist past in Central and Eastern Europe, with a particular…
Reordering Society
Reading the history of communism from below opens prospects not only to individual life trajectories but sheds light on collective phenomena and links historical narratives with sociological insights.
This is My Past, vol. 4
After 1st and 2nd volume of these mini series published in 2010 the third one came in 2015. Now we present the forth collection of biography writings, rare documents and personal diaries.