In the framework of its three year project “Knowledge and Memory Policies” the Institute for Studies of the Recent Past, Sofia opens annual Call for Applications for four-month scholarships, granted to young researchers – PhD students or post-doctoral students from the social sciences and humanities. Thematic scope of the project is the communist regime in Bulgaria.
The expected outcome of the funded research projects is comprehensive study (up to 20 000 words) of unexamined or barely known aspect of the communist history and legacy, submitted in a format suitable for academic publication.
Application documents should include short project description (up to 2000 words, containing motivation, approach and resources) and detailed academic CV. Recommendations by senior researcher in the area are an advantage.
The deadline for submission is January 10th, 2008.
Please, send you documents to:
Institute for Studies of the Recent Past11
Slaveykov Square, room 511 Sofia 1000
Or electronically on email:
For additional information: phone +359 2 9814988