Following the terms of the first call for Applications “ISRP Scholarships for Young Researchers” the Institute for Studies of the Recent Past granted three research scholarships to the following project proposals:
- Institutional Memory and Individual Trajectories: The Profession of a Teacher (1949 – 1989), submitted by Miladina Monova (PhD in Social Anthropology, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris and Research Assistant at Laboratoire d’Anthropologie des Institutions et Organisations Sociales, (LAIOS), Paris)
- The Role of the Secret Police in Suppressing Dissent in Communist Bulgaria: Evidence from the Communist Party and State Security Archives, submitted by Martin Dimitrov (Assistant Professor, Department of Government, Darthmouth College and Center Associate, Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University)
- Memoirs and Historiographical Interpretations of the Collapse of the Communist Regime in Bulgaria, submitted by Petya Vassileva (PhD Student at the Department for Ethnographical Studies, Sofia University)