On the 18th of March 2009 the Public Hearing “European Conscience and Crimes of Totalitarian Communism: 20 Years After” organized by the Czech Presidency and the Institute for Study of Totalitarian Regimes…
Category: News
The Institute, relying on the achievements of modern social and humanitarian sciences, is studying the Communist regime as thoroughly as possible, not only as an ideological and political phenomenon, but also from a historical, psychological, social, and even anthropological point of view. The crimes of the regime have to be explicitly named, but its changes over the years also need to be analysed, in order to reveal the model’s hidden similarities and persistence.
Awarded Grants for University Courses on Communism
On the 13th of January 2009 the Selection Committee invited by the Institute for Studies of the Recent Past gathered to review the 10 submitted University course applications. Its members Prof. Petya…
Awarded ISRP Scholarships / Autumn 2008
As a result of the second call for Applications “ISRP Scholarships for Young Researchers / Autumn 2008” the Institute for Studies of the Recent Past received twenty applications of PhD students and…
Ten University Courses Submitted after the Institute’s Call
As soon as the announced deadline expired the Institute for Studies of the Recent Past received and processed ten (10) applications for the “Call for Development of New University Courses“. Below you…
Snapshots from “’68 The Prague Spring and Bulgaria”
Last Saturday (December 13, 2008) at the the City Hotel Sofia the Institute for Studies of the Recent Past organized a public discussion on the topic “’68 The Prague Spring and Bulgaria”….
Photo Gallery of the Micro-macro History Conference
On November 29 and 30 in Sofia took place the 13-th international conference from the SOFIA DIALOGUES Series titled “Micro-Histoire – Macro-Histoire : Quelle Histoire Sociale ?”. Well-known historians as Giovanni Levi,…
Discussion “’68 The Prague Spring and Bulgaria”
On the 13th of December (Saturday) at 2 p.m. at the City Hotel Sofia, (6, Stara Planina Str.) the Institute for Studies of the Recent Past organizes public discussion on the topic:…