The Institute for Studies of the Recent Past announces call for the development and the implementation of new university courses (in Bachelor and/or MA programmes) from the field of the social sciences…
Category: News
The Institute, relying on the achievements of modern social and humanitarian sciences, is studying the Communist regime as thoroughly as possible, not only as an ideological and political phenomenon, but also from a historical, psychological, social, and even anthropological point of view. The crimes of the regime have to be explicitly named, but its changes over the years also need to be analysed, in order to reveal the model’s hidden similarities and persistence.
ISRP Scholarships for Young Researchers / Autumn 2008
The Institute for Studies of the Recent Past, Sofia opens Call for Applications for four-month scholarships, granted to young researchers – PhD students or post-doctoral students from the social sciences and humanities….
The Institute nominated for the “Hristo G. Danov” Awards
The Institute for Studies of the Recent Past is nominated by the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture and Plovdiv Municipality for the prestigious book award in honour of Hristo G. Danov – founder…
“This is my past!” Awards Again
On its final meeting on the 28 of May 2008 the Selection Committee, chaired by Prof. Ivaylo Znepolski and its members Prof. Ivan Elenkov, Dr. Valentina Gueorguieva and Dimiter Dimov came with…
Presentation of “Bulgarian Communism” by Ivaylo Znepolski
The Institute for Studies of the Recent Past, Open Society Institute and the CIELA Publishers invite you on the public presentation of the recently published book by Ivaylo Znepolski: Bulgarian Communism. Socio-cultural…
Public Presentation of Momchil Metodiev’s latest book
The Institute for Studies of the Recent Past, Open Society Institute and The Red House – Centre for Culture and Debate invite you on the public presentation of the latest Momchil Metodiev’s…
Public Presentation of “Reformation without Reforms” and “The Power Structures of BCP”
The Institute for Studies of the Recent Past Sofia organizes public presentation of its recently published books: The Power Structures of the Bulgarian Communist Party (1944 – 1989) by Alexander Vezenkov and…