Literary Newspaper briefly presents Ivaylo Znepolski’s book “Bulgarian Communism. Sociocultural Aspects and Power Trajectories“. Full text is available only in Bulgarian! Първото изследване, което с концептуален размах разказва и анализира целия български…
Category: Media and reviews
Michail Gruev reviews on Culture Weekly prof. Znepolski’s book
On the pages of Culture Weekly Michail Gruev, lecturer at the Sofia University, Department of Modern Bulgarian History, reviews the latest book of prof. Ivaylo Znepolski “Bulgarian Communism. Socio-cultural Aspects and Power…
The Institute nominated for the “Hristo G. Danov” Awards
The Institute for Studies of the Recent Past is nominated by the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture and Plovdiv Municipality for the prestigious book award in honour of Hristo G. Danov – founder…
Chapters of Znepolski’s book published on Dnevnik Daily
In a series of four issues Dnevnik Daily published fragments from the Ivaylo Znepolski’s book “Bulgarian Communism. Sociocultural Aspects and Power Trajectory“. — Dnevnik Daily, 19 – 22 May, 2008 — Available…
Short review of Znepolski’s book on “Glasove” Weekly
The official presentation of prof. Znepolski’s book “Bulgarian Communism. Socio-cultural Aspects and Power Trajectory” was followed by brief but illustrative review on the pages of Glasove Weekly. в-к “Гласове“, 16 – 22…
“The Legitimacy Machine” presented by the Literary Neswpaper
Brief presentation of the “Legitimacy Machine” on the pages of Literary Newspaper. Full text availаble only in Bulgarian! Момчил Методиев, “Машина за легитимност. Ролята на Държавна сигурност в комунистическата държава”, Институт за…
“A Cool Look on Communism”, Petar Kostadinov on Sofia Echo
The online English language media The Sofia Echo published a review by Petar Kostadinov on Momchil Metodiev’s book “The Legitimacy Machine: The Role of State Security in the Communist State“. The ghost…