As a result of the second call for Applications “ISRP Scholarships for Young Researchers / Spring 2010” the Institute for Studies of the Recent Past received eighteen applications of PhD students and post-docs from various fields and research institutions in Bulgaria.
At its meeting on the 26th of January the Selection Committe (Prof. Ivaylo Znepolski, Prof. Ivan Elenkov and Assoc. Prof. Martin Ivanov) decided to grant five scholarships to the following projects:
- Claudia Dobre (PhD), Marks of Communism. Memory and Oblivion in the Public Space: Sofia and Bucharest, a Comparative Approach , Laval University, Québec, Canada
- Marian Gyaurski (PhD Student) and Konstantin Kasabov (research associate), Armed Resistance against the Communist Regime – The Goryani Movement (1944 – 1955), Sofia University, Faculty of History
- Nurie Mouratova (Assista. Prof.), State Policies for the Bulgarian Muslim Women during Communism, South-West University of Blagoevgrad
- Petya Slavova (Assist. Prof.), The Profession of a Lawyer during the Communist times in Bulgaria: Between the Society and the Party-State, Sofia University, Department of Sociology
In the following few days of the coming week the Institute’s coordination team will get in touch with all selected fellows to arrange and finalize necessary paper work regarding their grant.